
Dal 23 al 25 Giugno 2022
Giornata dei Dottorandi in Biologia dei Procarioti

Cortona Procarioti is a well-established microbiology meeting supported by SIMGBM (Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche, ) and AGI (Associazione Genetica Italiana) bringing together microbiologists from all the major italian research groups. Our meeting features oral presentations mostly from talented young scientists in several different microbiology areas. Key subjects include clinical and environmental microbiology, molecular biology, biodiversity, bioremediation and computational microbiology. The goal of Cortona Procarioti is to provide a comprehensive forum for young researchers to present their most recent works and to discuss future ideas and challenges with colleagues from all around Italy. The meeting also serves as an excellent platform for establishing new collaborations among all the participating teams. Cortona Procarioti will be held 17-19 May 2018 in Cortona (Centro Convegni Sant’Agostino), one of the most picturesque villages in Tuscany.

visit link

Auditorium Sant’Agostino
Cortona – Via Guelfa, 40

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